February Meetup — Fixing Government, Then & Now (Saturday, 2/1)

For our February meetup, we will be focusing on a new report from Jennifer Pahlka and Andrew Greenway: “The How We Need Now: A Capacity Agenda for 2025 and Beyond

With discussions of, uh, government efficiency in the news, everyone is popping up with a take on why their pet idea is the right thing to focus on. Jennifer Pahlka founded Code for America and wrote Recoding America. Her diagnosis of government failure tends to highlight the inadequate equilibria and misaligned incentives common in politics, bureaucracy, and large institutions.



Date: Saturday, 2/1 @ 2pm–4:30-ish pm
Location: South Loop Strength & Conditioning – upstairs in the mezzanine
645 S Clark
Chicago IL 60605
Note: Todd owns this gym so that’s why there’s a Rationality meetup at a gym 🙂
If you have trouble finding us, please DM Todd or Shane on the Discord or post in “meetups”. You can also text Shane (608-436-1809).