Social Meetup (February)

For this month’s social meetup/get-together, we’re going to meet at Ten Cat Tavern, a quiet little bar with a couple pool tables, a few arcade games (I think), and a neat little lounge in the back with a fire place and an eclectic collection of furniture. We ended up there

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December Social Meetup – The Long Room (Bar) (12/18 @ 2 PM)

For this month’s social meetup/get-together, we’re going to meet at The Long Room, a neighborhood bar in Ravenswood. We’ll meet next Sunday, December 18 starting at 2 PM. All are welcome, whether you’ve come to a meetup before or not. I’ll be there starting at 2, but feel free to

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December Meetup – The Present and Future of K–12 Education

The next monthly discussion meetup is Saturday, December 3 @ 2 PM (see below for location details). For this meetup, we’ll be discussing the current state and possible futures of K-12 education. Roughly 50 million children attend school in the United States every day, and each can expect to spend

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November Meetup – The Value of Predictions and Betting

The next monthly discussion meetup is Saturday, November 5 @ 2 PM (see below for location details). For this meetup, we going to discuss predictions and betting with an eye toward how concretizing your beliefs with probabilities can be valuable at the individual and group levels. For example, at the

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